Sina Rambo biography, net worth, wife, age, career, education, state of origin and more

Sina Rambo biography, net worth, wife, age, career, education, state of origin and more

Read all about Sina Rambo biography and net worth.

Sina Rambo is a Nigerian singer and rapper who is the brother of singer B-Red and the cousin of Nigerian music legend Davido. He was born in Atlanta, but has lived most of his life in Nigeria.

Sina Rambo started his career as a musician at the same time as his cousin Davido and was part of the HKN music record label and also DMW record label.

He has released numerous singles and has worked with the likes of Davido, Zlatan ibile, Olamide and many more.

If you want to read all about Sina Rambo biography, Sina Rambo net worth, Sina Rambo career, Sina Rambo age, Sina Rambo education, Sina Rambo state of origin, Sina Rambo songs, Sina Rambo child, Sina Rambo wife, Sina Rambo social media and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Sina Rambo

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Sina Rambo profile

Sina Rambo biography

Real name: Sina Adeleke

Date of birth: July 23rd

Age: N/A

State of origin: Osun state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Singer and rapper

Associated acts: Davido, B-Red

Net worth: $3 million


Sina Rambo biography (Early life)

Sina Rambo whose real name is Sina Adeleke was born on the 23rd of July in Atlanta United states. He is the son of Osun state governor Ademola Adeleke and the cousin of Nigeria artiste Davido.

Sina Rambo spent a lot of his early years in the US, but has spent most of his life in Nigeria.

Sina Rambo education

He had his primary and secondary education in the United states, but got a degree in Psychology fromm the Lead City university, Ibadan.

Sina Rambo career

Sina Rambo started his career as a musician at the same time as his cousin Davido and was part of the HKN music record label and also DMW record label.

He has released numerous singles and has worked with the likes of Davido, Zlatan ibile, Olamide and many more.

Sina Rambo wife

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Sina Rambo got married in 2021 and the marriage was also blessed with a daughter named Adelola Yohanna Marilyn Esther Adeleke in 2022.

Sina Rambo songs

The below are some of Sina Rambo songs:

  1. Ijo Sina
  2. Wa Ba Mi Lo
  3. Ijile
  4. Earthquake
  5. Hustlin
  6. Sisi Eko
  7. Lamborghini
  8. PBM
  9. Icey

Sina Rambo net worth

Sina Rambo net worth has been estimated at $3 million. He is the son of Osun state Governor Ademola Adeleke.

Sina Rambo social media

Instagram: @Sinarambo

Twitter: @Sinarambo

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Is Sina Rambo related to Davido?

Yes, Sina Rambo is Davido’s cousin.

Is Sina Rambo, B-red’s brother?

Yes, they are brothers.

Is Sina Rambo married?

Yes, he got married in 2021.


Thank you for reading my Sina Rambo biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.

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