DJ Neptune net worth, biography, career, age, state of origin, wife, education and more

DJ Neptune net worth, biography, career, age, state of origin, wife, education and more

Read all about DJ Neptune net worth and biography.

DJ Neptune is a Nigerian Disc Jockey and Music producer. He is one of the richest and influential DJ’s in Africa.

He started his career in 2001 after being mentored by DJ Douglas and was the Resident DJ at Ray Power FM 100.5 from 2004 – 2010.

DJ Neptune is an international DJ and has toured countries like United Kingdom, United states, Malaysia, Dubai, South Africa and more.

He has worked with top artistes like Davido, Mr.Eazi, Joeboy, Kizz Daniel, Olamide, Phyno, Runtown, M.I, Jesse Jagz and so many more.

If you want to read all about DJ Neptune net worth, DJ Neptune biography, DJ Neptune career, DJ Neptune age, DJ Neptune state of origin, DJ Neptune wife, DJ Neptune education, DJ Neptune awards & nominations, DJ Neptune songs and many more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of DJ Neptune:


DJ Neptune profile

Dj Neptune biography

Real name: Imohiosen Patrick

Date of birth: 26th of September 1990

Age: 32 years’ old

State of origin: Edo state

Place of birth: Lagos state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Disc Jockey & Music producer

Associated acts: Kizz Daniel, Davido, Mr. Eazi, Olamide

Net worth: $1 million

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DJ Neptune biography (Early life)

DJ Neptune whose real name is Imohiosen Patrick was born on the 26th of September 1990 in Lagos state, Nigeria. He hails from Edo state, but was born and bred in Lagos.

He is the last born in a family of four, he has three elder sisters.

DJ Neptune education

DJ Neptune completed his primary and secondary education in Lagos state and obtained his first school leaving certificate and west African senior school certificate.

He graduated from the University of Lagos where he studied Mass Communication.

DJ Neptune career

DJ Neptune started his career in 2001 after being mentored by DJ Douglas and was the Resident DJ at Ray Power FM 100.5 from 2004 – 2010.

DJ Neptune is an international DJ and has toured countries like United Kingdom, United states, Malaysia, Dubai, South Africa and more.

He has worked with top artistes like Davido, Mr.Eazi, Joeboy, Kizz Daniel, Olamide, Phyno, Runtown, M.I, Jesse Jagz and so many more.

DJ Neptune songs

Some of DJ Neptune songs are:

123 Featuring M.I, Neato C, DaGrin

Skoobi Doo featuring General Pype, Lynxxx, Jesse Jagz

Baddest Featuring Olamide, BOJ, Stonebwoy

Marry Featuring Mr. Eazi

Wait Featuring Kizz Daniel

Nobody Featuring Joeboy, Mr. Eazi

DJ Neptune albums

Greatness, 13 track album Featuring Olamide, Phyno, Small doctor, Niniola, Maleek Berry, Runtown and more.

DJ Neptune awards & nominations

Read my DJ Spinall biography and net worth

World DJ at the Nigeria entertainment awards

Best DJ at the Tush awards

International best DJ at the Africa entertainment awards

International DJ at the NPA awards

World DJ at the Nigeria entertainment awards 2012

Best Pop single at the Headies

DJ Neptune relationship

DJ Neptune got married to Ese Imohiosen in 2012 and the union is blessed with a daughter.

DJ Neptune social media

You can follow DJ Neptune via the following channels:

Twitter: @deejayneptune

Instagram: @deejayneptune

DJ Neptune net worth

DJ Neptune net worth has been estimated at $1 million. He is one of the richest and most influential DJ’s in Nigeria & Africa.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is DJ Neptune?

DJ Neptune is 32 years’ old

Where is DJ Neptune from?

He hails from Edo state but was born in Lagos state.

Who is DJ Neptune wife?

DJ Neptune wife is Ese Imohiosen.


Thank you for reading my DJ Neptune net worth and biography, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.

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