Pastor Paul Enenche biography, net worth, career, age, children, state of origin, wife, books, songs, education and more

Pastor Paul Enenche biography, net worth, career, age, children, state of origin, wife, books, songs, education and more

Read all about Pastor Paul Enenche biography and net worth

Pastor Paul Idoko Enenche is a minister, doctor, author and the founder of Dunamis international Gospel Centre worldwide.

He founded the church in November 10th, 1996 and it has grown to become one of the biggest and most popular churches in Nigeria with branches in over 20 states in Nigeria.

Pastor Paul Enenche is a medical doctor who graduated from the University of Jos, Plateau state and left a Medical career to start his own church.

Paul Enenche is also a book author & musician, he has written a few books and has also recorded numerous singles.

If you want to read all about Pastor Paul Enenche biography, Pastor Paul Enenche net worth, Pastor Paul Enenche career, Pastor Paul Enenche age, Pastor Paul Enenche children, Pastor Paul Enenche state of origin, Pastor Paul Enenche wife, Pastor Paul Enenche books, Pastor Paul Enenche songs, Pastor Paul Enenche son, Pastor Paul Enenche daughter and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Pastor Doctor Paul Enenche:


Pastor Paul Enenche profile

Pastor Paul enenche biography

Name: Paul Idoko Enenche

Date of birth: 12th of June 1968

Age: 54 years’ old

Nationality: Nigerian

State of origin: Benue state

Net worth: $1 million

Associated personalities: Pastor David Ibiyeomie, Bishop David Oyedepo

Occupation: Medical doctor, Minister, Musician, Author

Read my post on David Ibiyeomie biography and net worth

Pastor Paul Enenche biography (Early life)

Pastor Paul Enenche was born on the 12th of June 1968 in Otukpo, Benue state. He grew up in a Christian home with a loving family.

Not much information is available on Pastor Paul Enenche family.

Pastor Paul Enenche education

Pastor Paul Enenche graduated from the University of Jos, Plateau state where he studied Medicine.

Pastor Paul Enenche career

Pastor Paul Enenche has offers to work as a medical doctor after he finished his education, but according to him, he was called by God to abandon his certificate and spread his gospel.

Pastor Paul Enenche founded the Dunamis international gospel centre worldwide in November 10th, 1996 and it has grown to become one of the biggest and most popular churches in Nigeria with branches in over 20 states in Nigeria.

Dunamis church has its own satellite TV station in Nigeria, Dunamis TV/Radio which has over 3 million viewers.

He is the publisher if the Monthly daily devotional called “The Seeds of Destiny”.

Pastor Paul Enenche mentors & spiritual fathers are Bishop David Oyedepo and Pastor E.A Adeboye.

Pastor Paul Enenche wife

Pastor Paul is married to Becky Enenche who is also a medical doctor and minster. They got married in the year 1994 and the marriage is blessed with four children, three girls and one boy.

Pastor Paul Enenche books

The below are some of the books written by Pastor Paul Enenche:

  1. Financial Wisdom
  2. Reason for living
  3. Who are you
  4. 30 secrets to the top
  5. 21 laws of life
  6. The story of the glory
  7. Wisdom of planning and time use
  8. 15 Kingdom strategies for survival

Pastor Paul Enenche children

Pastor Enenche has four children, three daughters and one son named Deborah, Daniella, Destiny and Daniel.

Pastor Paul Enenche songs

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The below are some of Pastor Paul Enenche songs:

  1. Nara Ekele
  2. Keep holding on
  3. Owner of my life
  4. I Love your lord
  5. He Arose
  6. My life builder
  7. I’m Blessed
  8. You never fail

Pastor Paul Enenche net worth

Pastor Paul Enenche net worth has been estimated at $1 million. He is one of the richest and most influential pastors in Nigeria.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is Pastor Paul Enenche?

Pastor Paul enenche is 54 years old.

What tribe is Pastor Paul Enenche?

He is of the Idoma tribe.

When did Pastor Paul Enenche get married?

He got married in 1994

Is Pastor Paul Enenche a medical doctor?

Yes, he is, he graduated from the University of Jos, Plateau state.


Thank you for reading my Pastor Paul Enenche biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

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Thank you once again for reading.


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