Charles Inojie biography, net worth, career, age, state of origin, wife, education and more

Charles Inojie biography, net worth, career, age, state of origin, wife, education and more

Read all about Charles Inojie biography and net worth.

Charles Inojie is a Nigerian actor, comedian, movie director and producer. He is mostly known for his comedic roles in movies.

Charles initially wanted to be a Lawyer, but he had a change of heart and decided to pursue a career in Acting.

He came from a royal family and grew up with his grandmother, so as to keep her company in her old age.

If you want to read all about Charles Inojie biography, Charles inojie net worth, Charles Inojie career, Charles inojie age, Charles Inojie state of origin, Charles Inojie wife, Charles inojie education and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Actor Charles Inojie

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Charles Inojie profile

Charles inojie biography

Name: Charles Inojie

Date of birth: 4th of December 1970

Age: 52 years’ old

State of origin: Edo state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Actor, Comedian, movie producer

Net worth: $400,000


Charles Inojie biography (Early life)

Charles Inojie was born on the 4th of December 1970 in the Village of Urowa, in Edo state Nigeria. He spent a lot of his formative years with his grandmother, , so as to keep her company in her old age.

Charles Inojie education

Charles Inojie completed his primary and secondary education and obtained his first school leaving certificate and SSCE.

He graduated from the University of port Harcourt (UNIPORT) in 1999 where he studied dramatic and theatre arts.

He also enrolled for a one year acting program in Bode Osoyin’s writers Resort and obtained a certificate in dramatic arts.

Charles Inojie career

Charles initially wanted to be a Lawyer, but he had a change of heart and decided to pursue a career in Acting.

Charles joined different dramatic & theatre clubs in his local town and started performing stage drama. He enrolled for a one year acting program in Bode Osoyin’s writers Resort and obtained a certificate in dramatic arts.

He later moved to Lagos in order to fully pursue an acting career. Charles Inojie has featured in numerous movies and picked up numerous awards along the way.

Charles Inojie movies

The below are some of the movies that Charles Inojie has featured in:

Charles Inojie wife

Charles Inojie is married to Obehi Obhiseh and the union is blessed with two kids

Charles Inojie net worth

Charles Inojie net worth has been estimated at $400,000. He makes money as an actor and movie director/producer.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Read my Susan pwajok biography and net worth

Where is Charles Inojie from?

Charles Inojie hails from Edo state

How old is Charles Inojie?

Charles Inojie is 52 years old as at 2022.

Who is Charles Inojie wife?

Charles Inojie is married to Obehi Obhiseh



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