Pastor David Ogbueli biography, net worth, career, education, age, state of origin and more

Pastor David Ogbueli biography, net worth, career, education, age, state of origin and more

Read all about Pastor David Ogbueli biography and net worth.

Pastor David Chukwudi Ogbueli is a Nigerian pastor, minister and the general overseer of Dominion City church, which is one of the fastest growing ministries in Nigeria and worldwide.

Pastor David Ogbueli started ministry at the age of 12, pioneering campus fellowships as an undergraduate.

He started Dominion city as a small gathering in the year 1996, before moving to 95 Chime Avenue, Enugu. The Church has spread to different states and cities in Africa, asia and Europe.

If you want to read all about Pastor David Ogbueli biography, Pastor David Ogbueli net worth, Pastor David Ogbueli career, Pastor David Ogbueli education, Pastor David Ogbueli age, Pastor David Ogbueli state of origin, Pastor David Ogbueli wife, Pastor David Ogbueli children, Pastor David Ogbueli books and more, then you are in the right place.

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Pastor David Ogbueli profile

Pastor David ogbueli biography

Name: David Chukwudi Ogbueli

Date of birth: 28th April, 1968

Age: 55 years’ old

State of origin: Anambra state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Pastor, Minister and writer

Net worth: $10 million


Pastor David Ogbueli biography (Early life)

Pastor David Ogbueli was born on the 28th of April 1968 in Alor, Anambra, Idimili south in Anambra state to Mr. Justin & Mrs. Felicia Ogbueli.

Pastor David Ogbueli started ministry at the age of 12, pioneering campus fellowships as an undergraduate.

Pastor David Ogbueli education

Pastor David Ogbueli had his primary education at the Umuoshi primary school Alor, & his secondary education at the Orifice boy’s grammar school.

He then got admission to the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN), where he graduated with a BSc in Industrial chemistry.

Pastor David Ogbueli career

Pastor David Ogbueli started a campus fellowship in 1991 called The New Covenant Family, at the University of Nigeria; a fellowship that expanded its meetings to other tertiary institutions in Nigeria.

In 1995, the Dominion City Church started off as a small fellowship at Marcus Garvey Street, Enugu with a mandate to “raise leaders that transform society”. The church has grown to over 750 chapters across all the major cities in Nigeria, with chapters in Accra, Kampala and Johannesburg. Dominion City also has a presence in Asia, Europe and the Americas

Pastor David is the host of the TV and Radio Program Expand Your World, which runs on TV and radio stations across Nigeria. He is also the President of the Golden Heart Foundation, a non-governmental organization with a mandate to raise dynamic leaders that will be agents of national transformation.

Pastor David Ogbueli is the author of several books. As a widely read author, he has written books that has transformed the lives, mentality, vision, and mindset of so many.

Pastor David Ogbueli books

The following are some of the books written by Pasto David Ogbueli:

The Glory of the Eagle

Love revolution

Discipleship coders

Essence of Life

Building friendship

How to choose Political Leaders

Pastor David Ogbueli wife

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Pastor David Ogbueli is married to Pastor Sarah Ogbueli. Their marriage is blessed with four children. Two boys and two girls.

Pastor David Ogbueli net worth

Pastor David Ogbueli net worth has been estimates at $10 million. He is the General Overseer of Dominion city which can be found in different states and cities in Africa, asia and Europe.

He is also an author and has written books like The Glory of the Eagle, Love revolution, Discipleship coders and more.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Pastor David Ogbueli net worth?

Pastor David Ogbueli net worth has been estimates at $10 million

Who is Pastor David Ogbueli wife?

Pastor David Ogbueli is married to Pastor Sarah Ogbueli.


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