Biola Adebayo biography, net worth, age, state of origin, education, career, husband, awards, movies and more

Biola Adebayo biography, net worth, age, state of origin, education, career, husband, awards, movies and more

Read all about Biola Adebayo biography and net worth

Biola Adebayo is a Nigerian actress, producer, model and TV personality, she is mostly known for featuring in movies like Adesoro, Ijakumo, Royalty, Bad girl and many more

Biola Adebayo has worked with the likes of Ken Erics, Yul Edochie, Nkem Owoh, Mike Godson, Ini Edo, Adaeze Eluke, Mercy Johnson, Stephanie Okereke, Olu Jacobs, Ngozi Ezeonu, Onny Michael and many more.

She is known for interpreting her roles very well and bringing her characters to life on screen.

If you want to read all about Biola Adebayo biography, Biola Adebayo net worth, Biola Adebayo age, Biola Adebayo state of origin, Biola Adebayo education, Biola Adebayo career, Biola Adebayo husband, Biola Adebayo awards, Biola Adebayo movies and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Biola Adebayo:


Biola Adebayo profile

Name: Biola Adebayo

Date of birth: December 23rd 1981

Age: 41 years’ old

State of origin: Lagos state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Actress, Producer, model and TV personality

Net worth: $40,000


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Biola Adebayo biography (Early life)

Biola Adebayo was born on the 23rd of December 1981 in Lagos state Nigeria. She comes from a Polygamous home, her father has seven children and her mother has four children.

She came from very humble beginnings and once hawked on the streets to make money for her mother.

Biola Adebayo education

Biola Adebayo studied History and international relations at the Lagos state University. She also got her Masters’ degree in Public Administration from the University of Lagos.

Biola Adebayo career

Biola Adebayo is an actress, producer and TV personality. She has featured in numerous movies like Adesoro, Ijakumo, Royalty, Bad girl and many more. She is known for interpreting her roles very well and bringing her characters to life on screen.

Biola Adebayo has worked with the likes of Ken Erics, Yul Edochie, Nkem Owoh, Mike Godson, Ini Edo, Adaeze Eluke, Mercy Johnson, Stephanie Okereke, Olu Jacobs, Ngozi Ezeonu, Onny Michael and many more.

Biola Adebayo movies

Some of Biola Adebayo movies are:

  1. Royalty
  2. Bad girl
  3. Village Maiden
  4. Hard working woman
  5. Humble Wife
  6. Adesoro
  7. Ijakumo
  8. Mafisere
  9. Sino
  10. Compromise
  11. Amin: Amine
  12. Pami Nku

Biola Adebayo husband

Biola Adebayo got married to Oluwaseyi Akinrinde in 2021 after dating for three years.

Biola Adebayo awards

Best Supporting actress at the BON award in 2020

Face of Nollywood at City people award

Best supporting actress DIYMA award 2021

Biola Adebayo net worth

Biola Adebayo net worth has been estimated at $40,000.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Biola Adebayo from?

She hails from Lagos state.

How old is Biola Adebayo?

She is 41 years’ old.



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