Joseph Wayas Biography, net worth, age, career, education, death, family, state of origin and more

Joseph Wayas Biography, net worth, age, career, education, death, family, state of origin and more

Read all about Joseph Wayas biography and net worth.

Joseph Wayas was born on May 21, 1941, in Basang, Obudu, Cross River State and he died on November 30, 2021. He was a businessman, administrator, and successful politician.

Joseph Wayas was Nigeria’s Senate President during the Nigerian Second Republic between 1979 – 1983.

Do you want to know more about Joseph Wayas’s biography, net worth, career, age, education, and more, then you are in the right post. Let’s get into it…


Joseph Wayas Profile

Full Name: Joseph Wayas

Date of Birth: May 21st, 1941

Age: 80 years (died Nov 30, 2021)

State of Origin: Cross River State.

Nationality: Nigerian

Religion: Christian

Spouse: Information not yet available

Profession: Politician, Businessman, Administrator

Net Worth: $

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Joseph Wayas Early Life and Education

Joseph Wayas was born on May 21, 1941, in Basang, Obudu, Cross River State. He attended Dennis Memorial Grammar School, Onitsha, where obtained his SSCE. He went to the United Kingdom, where he studied at Aston University, Birmingham, the West Bronwich College of Commerce, Science and Technology, and Higher Tottenham Technical College, London.

Joseph Wayas Career

Joseph Wayas started his career as a manager for several companies in Nigeria and the United Kingdom. He was a member of the Society of International Affairs at Lincoln University, United States.

In 1969, he became a politician and was appointed the commissioner for Transport, South-Eastern State, now broken into Akwa Ibom and Cross River state from 1972- 1974.

In 1979, he elected the Senate on the National Party of Nigeria platform and appointed Senate President after the military rule. He was also the Deputy Chairman of the 1994/1995 National Constitutional Conference Commission that organized and midwife the National Conference itself.

In 2001, Joseph Wayas joined the People Democratic Party and was later appointed Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the South-South Assembly (SSPA).

Joseph Wayas Personal Life

Joseph Wayas’s personal life information has not been disclosed to the public.


Joseph Wayas Net Worth

Joseph Wayas is a politician, administrator, and businessman whose net worth was not estimated.


How old was Joseph Wayas?

Joseph Wayas died at the age of 80yrs on November 30, 2021.

Where was Joseph Wayas from?

Joseph Wayas was born on May 21, 1941, in Basang, Obudu, Cross River State.

Is Joseph Wayas married?

Yes, he was probably married but there is no information on the internet about his personal life.


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