Soma bbnaija biography, net worth, career, education, age, wife, state of origin, personal life and more

Soma bbnaija biography, net worth, career, education, age, wife, state of origin, personal life and more

Read all about Soma bbnaija biography and net worth

Soma Anyama is a Nigerian reality TV star, actor and singer. He is popularly know for his stay in the Big brother naija reality TV show season 2. Soma also returned to the show for the “All stars” edition in 2023

Soma is a singer who has a few songs to his name, he has also worked as a model, graphics designer and an Actor.

Soma Anyama hails from Port Harcourt, Rivers state in the southern part of Nigeria.

If you want to read all about Soma bbnaija biography, Soma bbnaija net worth, Soma bbnaija career, Soma bbnaija education, Soma bbnaija age, Soma bbnaija wife, Soma bbnaija state of origin, Soma bbnaija personal life and more.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Soma Anyama:

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Soma bbnaija profile

Name: Soma Anyama

Date of birth: 5th of May 1992

Age: 31 years’ old

State of origin: Rivers state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Actor, Reality TV star

Net worth: $400,000


Soma bbnaija biography (Early life)

Soma Anyama was born on the 5th of May 1992. His father was a pastor and his mother was a singer. He grew up in Port Harcourt, Rivers state.

Soma bbnaija education

Soma bbnaija completed his primary and secondary school in Rivers state, before attending the University of Port Harcourt.

Soma Bbnaija career

Soma Anyama is a Nigerian reality TV star, actor and singer. He is popularly know for his stay in the Big brother naija reality TV show season 2. Soma also returned to the show for the “All stars” edition in 2023

Soma is a singer who has a few songs to his name, he has also worked as a model, graphics designer and an Actor.

Soma Bbnaija net worth

Soma bbnaija net worth has been estimated at $400,000.

Soma bbnaija social media

Read all about Phyna bbnaija biography and net worth

Instagram: @soma_apex


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Soma from?

He hails from Port Harcourt Rivers state.

What is Soma bbnaija net worth?

Soma bbnaija net worth has been estimated at $400,000.


Thank you for reading my post on Soma bbnaija biography and net worth and if you have any suggestions or corrections, visit our contact page. Please share the post with your friends and loved ones on social media and leave us a comment.


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