Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu biography, net worth, age, state of origin, politics, career, education and more

Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu biography, net worth, age, state of origin, politics, career, education and more

Read all about Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu biography and net worth.

Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu is a Nigerian politician, who recently won a seat at the kwara state house of Assembly for the Owode Onire constituency. She polled a total of 7,521 votes to defeat Abdullah Magaji of the People’s democratic party.

She had initially served as the first female senate president for the Congress of the NOUN (National Open University of Nigeria) students.

Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu is an advocate for women in Politics and has continuously advocated for more women to be involved in Politics.

If you want to read all about Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu biography, Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu net worth, Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu age, Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu state of origin, Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu politics, Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu career, Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu education, Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu family and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu:

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Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu profile

Name: Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu

Date of birth: 1996

Age: 26 years’ old

State of origin: Kwara state

Nationality: Nigerian

LGA: Asa Local government area

Profession: Politician

Net worth: N/A


Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu biography

Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu was born in 1996 in the Manyan Village of the Onire district in Asa local government area of Kwara state.

Not much information is available about her family and early life.

Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu education

Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu attended the Baptist Primary school LGEA in Ilorin and the Government girls day secondary school Oko Erin.

She then proceeded to the Kwara state college of Arabic & Islamic Legal studies where she got a diploma certificate in Mass Communication and Islamic studies.

Rukayat also graduated from the National Open University of Nigeria in 2022, with a degree in Mass Communication.

Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu career

Rukayat served as the first female senate president for the Congress of the NOUN (National Open University of Nigeria) students.

After graduating from the University, she enrolled in a Fashion design school, where she learnt to design women’s clothing.

Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu ran and won a seat at the kwara state house of Assembly for the Owode Onire constituency under the All progressive congress (APC) party. She polled a total of 7,521 votes to defeat Abdullah Magaji of the People’s democratic party.

Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu is an advocate for women in Politics and has continuously advocated for more women to be involved in Politics.

Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu net worth

Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu net worth has not yet been estimated.



Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu?

She is 26 years’ old

What is Rukayat Motunrayo Shittu LGA?

Read my Aisha binani biography and net worth

She hails from the Asa local government area in Kwara state.



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