Ola daniels biography, net worth, age, state of origin, parents, education, movies, career and more

Ola daniels biography, net worth, age, state of origin, parents, education, movies, career and more

Read all about Ola daniels biography and net worth.

Ola daniels is a Nigerian movie actress, gospel artiste and politician. She is the chairperson of Arochukwu, Local government area Abia state.

Ola daniels has featured in numerous movies and has worked alongside the likes of Zubby Michael, Zack orji, Charles Okocha, Kanayo o kanayo, Frederick leonard, Chinenye Nnebe, Ifedi Sharon, Tessy Diamond, Sonia Uche and many more.

If you want to read all about Ola Daniels biography, Ola Daniel net worth, Ola daniels age, Ola daniels state of origin, Ola daniels parents, Ola daniels education, Ola daniels movies, Ola daniels career, Ola daniels social media, Ola daniels husband, Ola daniels children and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Ola daniels:

Read my post on Mary Igwe biography and net worth

Ola daniels profile

Ola daniels biography

Real name: Olaedo Daniels

Date of birth: 23rd September

Age: N/A

State of origin: Abia state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Actress, Politician

Net worth: $500,000


Ola daniels biography (Early life)

Ola daniels was born on the 23rd of September. She hails from the Arochukwu local government area in Abia state.

Not much is known about her early life, parents and siblings.

Ola daniels education

Information on Ola daniels education is not currently available

Ola daniels career

Ola daniels is a movie actress who has featured in numerous movies, alongside the likes of Zubby Michael, Zack orji, Charles Okocha, Kanayo o kanayo, Frederick leonard, Chinenye Nnebe, Ifedi Sharon, Tessy Diamond, Sonia Uche and many more.

She is also a gospel singer and has a number of songs to her name.

Ola daniels is the chairperson of Arochukwu, Local government area Abia state.

Ola daniels movies

The following are some of the movies that Ola daniels has featured in:

  1. Tears of Olaedo
  2. Broke bond
  3. Mother of wealth
  4. Sound of Nomination
  5. War in the Palace
  6. Deaf & Dumb
  7. Sister in the lord
  8. Omasiri
  9. Blind love
  10. The don

Ola daniels husband

Ola daniels is married to Hon. Prince Dan Kalu and the marriage has been blessed with four kids, two boys and two girls.

Ola daniels net worth

Read my post on Destiny Etiko biography and net worth

Ola daniels net worth has been estimated at $500,000


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Is Ola daniels and Regina daniels related?

No, they are not related

Where is Ola daniels from?

She hails from Arochukwu local government area in Abia state


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