Softmadeit biography, net worth, state of origin, age, education, girlfriend and more.

Softmadeit biography, net worth, state of origin, age, education, girlfriend and more.

Read all about softmadeit biography and net worth.

Softmadeit whose real name is Jerry Chuks is a Nigerian dancer, producer, content creator and online influencer. He is known for dancing to popularly songs, as well as creating trending content on social media.

He has worked with many popular people like Poco Lee, Teni, Oxlade, Phyno and many more.

Softmadeit started dancing as a young age and worked as music promoter and producer, which apparently he still does till this day.

If you want to read all about Softmadeit biography, Softmadeit net worth, Softmadeit state of origin, Softmadeit age, Softmadeit education, Softmadeit tribe, Softmadeit phone number, Softmadeit girlfriend, Softmadeit social media, Softmadeit date of birth and more, then you are in the right place.

Remember to leave us a comment after you finish reading and also share with your friends on social media.

Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of dancer and online influencer Softmadeit:


Softmadeit profile

Softmadeit biography

Real name: Jerry Chuks

Also known as: Golden boy

Date of birth: 2nd of August 1996

Age: 25 years’ old

State of origin: Imo state

Net worth: $200,000

Nationality: Nigerian

Associated acts: Beauty Goddess, Teni, Oxlade

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Softmadeit biography (Early life)

Softmadeit whose real name is Jerry Chuks is a Nigerian dancer, producer, content creator and online influencer who was born on the 2nd of August 1996.

He started dancing at a very young age and worked as music promoter and producer, which apparently he still does till this day.

Softmadeit education

Softmadeit has obtained his first school leaving certificate and attended Kings college for his secondary education. He then proceeded to Babcock University.

Softmadeit career

Softmadeit started dancing as a young age and worked as music promoter and producer, which apparently he still does till this day.

He is well known on TikTok and instagram for dancing to popularly songs, as well as creating trending content on social media.

He has worked with many popular people like Poco Lee, Teni, Oxlade, Phyno and many more.

Softmadeit girlfriend

Softmadeit is rumored to be dating fellow TikToker John Merry, popularly known as Beauty Goddess, although none of them have confirmed it.

Softmadeit net worth

Softmadeit net worth has been estimated at $200,000. He makes money from promoting songs and partnering with big brands.

He is a brand ambassador for Tecno spark.

Softmadeit social media handles

If you want to follow Softmadeit, you can do that via the following channels:

Instagram: Softmadeit_

Twitter: MadeitSoft

TikTok: Softmadeit_

YouTube: Softmadeit

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Is Softmadeit & beauty Goddess dating?

Softmadeit is rumored to be dating fellow TikToker John Merry, popularly known as Beauty Goddess, although none of them have confirmed it.

How old is Softmadeit?

Softmadeit is 25 years old, he was born on the 2nd of August 1996

What is Softmadeit net worth?

Softmadeit net worth has been estimated at $200,000. He makes money from promoting songs and partnering with big brands.


Thank you for reading my Softmadeit biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.


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