Jack Rich biography, net worth, age, career, state of origin, education, personal life, wife and more

Jack Rich biography, net worth, age, career, state of origin, education, personal life, wife and more

Read all about Jack Rich biography and net worth.

Tein T.S Jack Rich is a Nigerian entrepreneur, businessman and entrepreneur. He is known as the CEO and president of Belemaoil.

Jack-Rich was born on the 28th day of January 1975, to a humble family of Elder and Mrs. Teinbo Saturday Seliyefubara Jack-Rich, in Rivers State, Nigeria.

He founded J+G Global Gas & Oilfield Limited in 1998 and other subsidiaries to provide oil and gas-related services. Today he is the President/Founder of Belemaoil Producing Limited, the first indigenous oil Exploration and Production Company in Nigeria to emerge from an oil Producing Community in the heart of Niger Delta.

If you want to read all about Jack Rich biography, Jack Rich net worth, Jack Rich age, Jack Rich career, Jack Rich state of origin, Jack Rich education, Jack Rich personal life, Jack Rich wife and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Jack Rich:

Jack Rich profile

Name: Jack Rich

Date of birth: 28th January 1975

Age: 48 years’ old

State of origin: Rivers state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Entrepreneur and businessman

Net worth: $200 million


Jack Rich biography (Early life)

Jack-Rich was born on the 28th day of January 1975, to a humble family of Elder and Mrs. Teinbo Saturday Seliyefubara Jack-Rich, in Rivers State, Nigeria.

At the age of just ten young Jack-Rich lost both parents.

Jack Rich education

Jack-Rich Studied Petroleum Production Technology in Panola College Cartage, (Texas) USA, Business Administration at the University of Wales, and Business Management at Usam University, with several Fellowship and Doctorate awards within and outside Nigeria.

Jack Rich career

Jack-Rich founded J+G Global Gas & Oilfield Limited in 1998 and other subsidiaries to provide oil and gas-related services. Today he is the President/Founder of Belemaoil Producing Limited, the first indigenous oil Exploration and Production Company in Nigeria to emerge from an oil Producing Community in the heart of Niger Delta.

As a philanthropist driven by his values to give back to the society, he has through his Foundation, awarded scholarships to hundreds of students, some of whom have graduated from schools in Canada, Ghana, Ukraine, UK, USA, Malaysia, Nigeria, North Cyprus, and the Philippines.

Today Jack-Rich and his Foundation have provided for his Community and other Communities the best portable drinking water, employing over 3,000 Nigerian youths with plans for 12,000 as ambassadors of wealth creation throughout Nigeria.

He was conferred with the title of Sarkin Ruwan Hausa (the Water Provider) by the Daura Emirate in appreciation of his concerted humanitarian effort in alleviating the problem of potable water in Daura Community – Katsina State, and by extension, Hausa Land.

Jack Rich personal life

Jack Rich is married to his wife, Dr. Mrs. Elizabeth Jack-Rich and they are blessed with two children.

Jack Rich net worth

Jack Rich net worth has been estimated at $200 million. He is known as the CEO and president of Belemaoil.

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Jack Rich from?

Jack Rich hails from Rivers state.

How old is Jack Rich?

Jack Rich is 48 years’ old as at 2023.


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