Jay Boogie biography, net worth, age, career, education, state of origin, real name, family and more

Jay Boogie biography, net worth, age, career, education, state of origin, real name, family and more

Read all about Jay Boogie biography and net worth

Jay Boogie is a Nigerian crossdresser and Transgender. He is popularly known on social media for his feminine looks and body and also for dressing feminine and participating in challenges in TikTok usually done by females.

He has regularly spoken about his struggles of being a Transgender woman in a country like Nigeria, and he has been molested and beaten previously.

Jay Boogie is the owner of Jaysecrets, which is brand that deals on different types of Beauty products for females.

If you want to read all about Jay Boogie biography, Jay Boogie net worth, Jay Boogie age, Jay Boogie career, Jay Boogie education, Jay Boogie state of origin, Jay Boogie real name, Jay Boogie family, Jay Boogie personal life and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Jay Boogie:


Jay Boogie profile

Name: Daniel Anthony Nsikan

Date of birth: 25th June 1998

Age: 24 years’ old

State of origin: Rivers state

Place of birth: Port Harcourt

Profession: Model, Dancer

Nationality: Nigerian

Net worth: $200,000


Jay Boogie biography (Early life)

Jay Boogie was born on the 25th of June 1998 in Port Harcourt, Rivers state. Not much is known about his family and siblings.

Jay Boogie education

Jay Boogie attended the Methodist Comprehensive high school in Port Harcourt, Rivers state. He graduated from the Akwa Ibom state University, Uyo state.

Jay Boogie career

Jay Boogie is popularly known on social media for his feminine looks and body and also for dressing feminine and participating in challenges in TikTok usually done by females.

He is also an influencer who regularly promotes different range of products, majorly in the fashion industry.

Jay Boogie is the owner of Jaysecrets, which is brand that deals on different types of Beauty products for females.

Jay Boogie personal life

He has regularly spoken about his struggles of being a Transgender woman in a country like Nigeria, and he has been molested and beaten previously.

Jay Boogie net worth

Jay Boogie net worth has been estimated at $200,000.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Jay Boogie real name?

Jay Boogie real name is Daniel Anthony Nsikan

Where is Jay Boogie from?

He hails from Port Harcourt, Rivers state

What is Jay Boogie net worth?

Jay Boogie net worth has been estimated at $200,000.

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