Onny Michael biography, net worth, age, career, education, state of origin, wife, movies and more

Onny Michael biography, net worth, age, career, education, state of origin, wife, movies and more

Read all about Onny Michael biography and net worth

Onny Michael is a Nigerian movie actor, scriptwriter and TV personality, he is well known for his roles in Movies like Two hearts, Lies are sweeter in Love, All for love, Prayer is the Master Key and many more.

Onny Michael hails from Enugu state in the south-eastern part of Nigeria, he has always had a passion for acting from a very young age.

He has worked with the likes of Zubby Michael, Destiny Etiko, Ini Edo and many more top actors and actresses in the Nollywood movie industry.

If you want to read all about Onny Michael biography, Onny Michael net worth, Onny Michael age, Onny Michael career, Onny Michael education, Onny Michael state of origin, Onny Michael wife, Onny Michael movies and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Onny Michael:

Read all about Zubby Michael biography and net worth

Onny Michael profile

Name: Onuchukwu Michael Okpokwu

Date of birth: 26th April 1978

Age: 44 years’ old

State of origin: Enugu state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Actor, Scriptwriter

Net worth: 40 million naira


Onny Michael biography (Early life)

Onny Michael was born on the 26th April 1978 in Enugu state in the eastern part of Nigeria. He grew up alongside his six other siblings.

Onny Michael education

Onny Michael completed his primary and secondary education and obtained his first school leaving certificate and west African senior school certificate.

He graduated from the University of Nsukka, Enugu with a degree in Fine and Applied arts.

Onny Michael career

Onny Michael is a Nigerian movie actor, scriptwriter and TV personality, he is well known for his roles in Movies like Two hearts, Lies are sweeter in Love, All for love, Prayer is the Master Key and many more.

He has worked with the likes of Zubby Michael, Destiny Etiko, Ini Edo and many more top actors and actresses in the Nollywood movie industry.

Onny Michael movies

The below are some of Onny Michael movies;

  1. Two hearts
  2. Lies are sweeter in love
  3. All for love
  4. Prayer is the Master key
  5. How to dance achikolo
  6. The sisterhood of the black bra
  7. Tripe

Onny Michael nominations and awards

Read all about Destiny Etiko biography and net worth

Best actor in a Leading role at the Africa movie academy awards

Most promising actor in Nigeria at the African Magic viewer’s choice awards

Most promising act to watch at the best of Nollywood awards

Best actor in a supporting role at the Africa movie academy award

Onny Michael personal life

Onny Michael got married to Brandie Ifemaranma Michael in 2014 and they have two kids together.

Onny Michael net worth

Onny Michael net worth has been estimated at 30 million naira. He makes money as an actor.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Onny Michael from?

He hails from Enugu state

How old is Onny Michael?

He is 44 years’ old as at 2023


Thank you for reading my post on Onny Michael biography and net worth and if you have any suggestions or corrections, visit our contact page. Please share the post with your friends and loved ones on social media and leave us a comment.

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