Martha Ehinome biography, net worth, age, career, state of origin, education, movies, and more

Martha Ehinome biography, net worth, age, career, state of origin, education, movies, and more

Read all about Martha Ehinome biography and net worth.

Martha Ehinome is a Nigerian actress and graphic designer. She has played roles in movies like “Our best friend’s wedding”, “Riona”, “All the colours of the world”, “Dear Bayo” and many more.

She is a graduate of the University of Ibadan, where she studied Theatre arts and majored in Acting & Speech.

According to her, she has always had a passion of acting, and knew it was something she wanted to do from an early age.

If you want to read all about Martha Ehinome biography, Martha Ehinome net worth, Martha Ehinome age, Martha Ehinome career, Martha Ehinome state of origin, Martha Ehinome education, Martha Ehinome movies, Martha Ehinome social media and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Martha Ehinome:

Read my Sandra Okunzuwa biography and net worth

Martha Ehinome profile

Name: Martha Ehinome Orhiere

Date of birth: N/A

Age: N/A

State of origin: Oyo state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Actress, graphic designer

Net worth: N/A



Martha Ehinome biography (Early life)

Martha Ehinome was born and raised in Oyo state. She is the sixth child from her father and fifth from her mother.

Martha Ehinome education

Martha Ehinome attended the Bodija international college and the Command day secondary school. She is a graduate of the University of Ibadan, where she studied Theatre arts and majored in Acting & Speech.

Martha Ehinome career

According to her, she has always had a passion of acting, and knew it was something she wanted to do from an early age.

Martha Ehinome has played roles in movies like “Our best friend’s wedding”, “Riona”, “All the colours of the world”, “Dear Bayo” and many more.

Martha Ehinome movies

Some of Martha Ehinome movies are:

Dear Bayo, Blood of Gnogie, Dwindle, Women are Scum, No longer broken, Our Best friend’s wedding, All the colors of the world and more.

Martha Ehinome net worth

Martha Ehinome net worth has not yet been estimated. She makes money as an actress


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Martha Ehinome from?

She hails from Oyo state



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