Tanner Cook (YouTuber) biography, net worth, age, career, education, pranks, parents and more

Tanner Cook (YouTuber) biography, net worth, age, career, education, pranks, parents and more

Read all about Tanner Cook biography and net worth

Tanner Cook is an American YouTuber, comedian and Prankster, he is the owner of the “Classified Goons” YouTube channel.

Tanner Cook is in the news after he was shot by someone while filming a prank video. He was immediately rushed to the ICU and is said to be recovering.

He initially started out working odd jobs before deciding to pursue a YouTube and social media career.

If you want to read all about Tanner Cook biography, Tanner Cook net worth, Tanner Cook age, Tanner Cook career, Tanner Cook education, Tanner Cook pranks, Tanner Cook parents, Tanner Cook girlfriend, Tanner Cook YouTube channel and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Tanner Cook

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Tanner Cook profile

Name: Tanner Cook

Date of birth: 2000

Age: 23 years’ old

Nationality: American

Profession: Influencer and YouTuber

Net worth: $40,000



Tanner Cook biography (Early life)

Tanner Cook was born in the year 2000 in the United states. His father is Mr. Jeramy Cook and his Mother is Mrs. Cook.

Tanner Cook education

Tanner Cook completed his basic and Tertiary education and finished from a reputable university.

Tanner Cook career

Tanner Cook is an American YouTuber, comedian and Prankster, he is the owner of the “Classified Goons” YouTube channel. The channel has over 40,000 Subscribers.

He initially started out working odd jobs before deciding to pursue a YouTube and social media career.

According to him, his parents supported his decision to go into YouTube and social media.

Tanner Cook shot

Tanner Cook is in the news after he was shot by someone while filming a prank video. He was immediately rushed to the ICU and is said to be recovering.

Tanner Cook girlfriend

Tanner Cook girlfriend is not yet known. It is not clear if he is in any type of relationship.

Tanner Cook net worth

Tanner Cook net worth has been estimated at $40,000. He makes money as a YouTuber and influencer.


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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Is Tanner Cook dead?

No, he is said to be recovering in the hospital as at the time of writing.



Thank you for reading my Tanner Cook biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

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Thank you once again for reading.


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