Babajide Kolade Otitoju Biography, net worth, age, career, education, personal life and more

Babajide Kolade Otitoju Biography, net worth, age, career, education, personal life and more

Read all about Babajide Kolade Otitoju biography and net worth.

Babajide Kolade Otitoju was born in the 1970s. He is one of the best and most popular investigative journalists.

Babajide Kolade Otitoju was the Group Head of Current and Public Affairs at TVC Communication.

If you want to know more about Babajide Kolade Otitoju biography, net worth, career, age, education, and more, then you are in the right post. Let’s get into it…


Babajide Kolade Otitoju Profile

Full Name: Babajide Kolade Otitoju

Date of Birth: Information not yet available

Age: Information not yet available

State of Origin: information not yet available

Nationality: Nigerian

Religion: Christian

Spouse: Information not yet available

Profession: Journalism

Net Worth: $

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Babajide Kolade Otitoju Early Life and Education

Babajide Kolade Otitoju holds a diploma in the Historical past and he did his National Youth Service in Kaduna State. There is no more information about Babajide Kolade Otitoju’s early life and education.

Babajide Kolade Otitoju Career

Babajide Kolade Otitoju began his career as a journalist after picking up employment with the  Democrat Newspaper as a sports reporter.

In 1992, he later joined the news journal and he continued his amazing exploit in journalism. He later worked with different news articles before joining TVC.

Babajide Kolade Otitoju gained popularity from his active participation and contributions to the Television program Journalist Hangout aired on TVC. He has received various multi-awards for his unbiased analysis of topical issues in the country.

Babajide Kolade Otitoju Personal Life 

Babajide Kolade Otitoju personal life information has not been disclosed to the public.

Babajide Kolade Otitoju  Net Worth

Babajide Kolade Otitoju is an investigative journalist whose net worth is not yet estimated.


Where is Babajide Kolade Otitoju from?

information about Babajide Kolade Otitoju’s state of origin is not yet on the internet.

How old is Babajide Kolade Otitoju ?

Babajide Kolade Otitoju was probably born in the 1970s but there is no information about his age on the internet.

Is Babajide Kolade Otitoju married?

Babajide Kolade Otitoju is probably married but there is no information about his relationship online.

What is Babajide Kolade Otitoju’s occupation?

Babajide Kolade Otitoju is one of the best and most popular fearless investigative journalists.


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