Gbemisola Anjola biography, net worth, age, career, education, death, state of origin, movies and more

Gbemisola Anjola biography, net worth, age, career, education, death, state of origin, movies and more

Read all about Gbemisola Anjola biography and net worth

Gbemisola Anjola is a Nigerian movie actress who featured in movies like Return of Kesari, Imelda and many more.

Gbemisola Anjola died on the 24th of March 2023 after a prolonged battle with Ovarian cancer.

She was a very talented actress who was able to interpret the roles given to her and bring them to life on screen.

If you want to read all about Gbemisola Anjola biography, Gbemisola Anjola net worth, Gbemisola Anjola age, Gbemisola Anjola career, Gbemisola Anjola education, Gbemisola Anjola state of origin, Gbemisola Anjola movies, Gbemisola Anjola death and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Gbemisola Anjola:

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Gbemisola Anjola profile

Name: Akingbemisola Dorcas Anjola

Date of birth: N/A

Age: 33 years’ old

State of origin:

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Actress

Net worth: N/A


Gbemisola Anjola education

Not much information is available on Gbemisola Anjola education on the internet. She has however completed her primary and secondary education and obtained her first school leaving certificate and west African senior school certificate.

She also graduated from a prestigious university in Nigeria.

Gbemisola Anjola career

Gbemisola Anjola is an Actress that has featured in movies like Return of Kesari, Imelda and many more. She was a very talented actress who was able to interpret the roles given to her and bring them to life on screen.

Gbemisola Anjola death

Gbemisola Anjola died on the 24th of March 2023 after a prolonged battle with Ovarian cancer.  She had initially gone to Dubai for treatment and has been cured before suffering a relapse.

Gbemisola Anjola net worth

Gbemisola Anjola net worth has not yet been estimated


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is Gbemisola Anjola?

She is 33 years’ old


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