Oseni Rufai biography, net worth, age, career, wife, state of origin, education, father, mother and more

Oseni Rufai biography, net worth, age, career, wife, state of origin, education, father, mother and more

Read all about Oseni Rufai biography and net worth

Oseni Rufai is a Nigerian TV presenter, radio personality, public speaker, OAP and writer. He is well known as a broadcaster on Arise TV.

Oseni started his career as an editor in a popular magazine, he has worked as a radio personality for a range of radio stations like JFM Radio warri, Unique FM illesa, Gold FM Illesa, Ogun state television, Ogun state radio, Inspiration FM, Advisory Eureka Kapital and more.

Oseni Rufai as a public speaker has spoken at Judge business school, Cambridge University, University of Sussex and many more.

If you want to read all about Oseni Rufai biography, Oseni Rufai net worth, Oseni Rufai age, Oseni Rufai career, Oseni Rufai wife, Oseni Rufai state of origin, Oseni Rufai education, Oseni Rufai father, Oseni Rufai mother, Oseni Rufai tribe, Oseni Rufai social media and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Oseni Rufai:

Read my post on Rufai Hanga biography and net worth

Oseni Rufai profile

Name: Oseni Rufai

Date of birth: 8th April

Age: N/A

State of origin: Ogun state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Nigerian TV presenter, radio personality, public speaker, OAP and writer

Net worth: N/A


Oseni Rufai biography (Early life)

Oseni Rufai was born on the 8th of April in the 1980s. He hails from Odogbolu in Ogun state. His father and mother are both late.

Oseni Rufai education

Oseni Rufai attended the federal government college in Odogbolu, Ogun state. He graduated with a BSc in Animal Anatomy and Physiology from the University of Agriculture.

Oseni Rufai career

Oseni Rufai is a Nigerian TV presenter, radio personality, public speaker, OAP and writer. He is well known as a broadcaster on Arise TV.

Oseni started his career as an editor in a popular magazine, he has worked as a radio personality for a range of radio stations like JFM Radio Warri, Unique FM illesa, Gold FM Illesa, Ogun state television, Ogun state radio, Inspiration FM, Advisory Eureka Kapital and more.

Oseni Rufai as a public speaker has spoken at Judge business school, Cambridge University, University of Sussex and many more.

He facilitated the training for top management staff of Microsoft and Nielsen group.

Oseni also advises young entrepreneurs and has spoken in different colleges and Universities. He taught English language at the National Open university of Nigeria.

He served as a moderator for panel organized by the Nigerian & Mauritian government.

Oseni Rufai is the co-founder of Loyalbonus.com, an e-commerce platform.

Oseni Rufai controversy

Oseni Rufai once broke the law by driving through a BRT lane and then proceeded to brag about it. He was highly criticized on social media and later had to pay a fine of 70,000 naira to the Lagos state government.

Oseni Rufai wife

Oseni Rufai is said to be married, but he has not made his wife public.

Oseni Rufai net worth

Oseni Rufai net worth has not yet been estimated.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Oseni Rufai from?

He hails from Ogun state.

Is Oseni Rufai married?

Oseni Rufai is said to be married, but he has not made his wife public.

How old is Oseni Rufai?

Oseni Rufai is in his late 30s.


Thank you for reading my post on Oseni Rufai biography and net worth and if you have any suggestions or corrections, visit our contact page. Please share the post with your friends and loved ones on social media and leave us a comment.




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