Rufai Hanga biography, net worth, age, state of origin, education, career and more.

Rufai Hanga biography, net worth, age, state of origin, education, career and more.

Read all about Rufai Hanga biography and net worth

Rufai Hanga is an accountant and politician who is the senator-elect for Kano central senatorial district under the platform New Nigeria people’s party (NNPP).

Rufai Hanga initially wanted to be a teacher and is a certified accountant, who had previously worked at the College of Education, Kano.

If you want to read all about Rufai Hanga biography, Rufai Hanga net worth, Rufai Hanga age, Rufai Hanga state of origin. Rufai Hanga education, Rufai Hanga career and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Rufai Hanga:

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Rufai Hanga profile

Name: Rufai Hanga

Date of birth: N/A

State of origin: Kano state

Age: N/A

Net worth: N/A

Profession: Accountant and Politician


Rufai Hanga biography (Early life)

Rufai Hanga was born in Kano state. Not much is known about his early family and siblings.

Rufai Hanga education

Information on Rufai Hanga education is not available on the platform.

Rufai Hanga career

Rufai Hanga initially wanted to be a teacher and is a certified accountant, who had previously worked at the College of Education, Kano.

Rufai Hanga is an accountant and politician who is the senator-elect for Kano central senatorial district under the platform New Nigeria people’s party (NNPP).

Rufai Hanga net worth

Rufai Hanga net worth has not yet been estimated.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Rufai Hanga state of origin?

Rufai Hanga is from Kano state.



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