Big Yavo biography, net worth, age, nationality, real name, place of birth, wife, songs, career and more

Big Yavo biography, net worth, age, nationality, real name, place of birth, wife, songs, career and more

Read all about Big Yavo biography and net worth

Big Yavo is a rapper who hails from Alabama in the United states, he is known for songs like “No Pen”, “Him”, “Rich”, “Shawn Kemp” and more.

Big Yavo started recording songs and posting videos on YouTube in 2019 and is currently signed to Cinematic music group.

According to him in an interview, he sees music as a hobby and something he just enjoys doing rather than a something he wants to be doing the rest of his life.

If you want to read all about Big Yavo biography, Big Yavo net worth, Big Yavo age, Big Yavo nationality, Big Yavo career, Big Yavo wife, Big Yavo place of birth, Big Yavo songs, Big Yavo social media and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…



The below is the profile of Big Yavo:

Read my post on Yxng K.a biography and net worth

Big Yavo profile

Name: Yavo Osama

Also known as: 41st Yavo

Date of birth: August 2nd 2000

Age: 23 year’s old

Nationality: American

Place of birth: Alabama Birmingham United states

Profession: Rapper

Net worth: $200,000


Big Yavo biography (Early life)

Big Yavo was born on the 2nd of August 2000 in Birmingham, Alabama in the United states. He honed his rap skills after being influenced by Durk, and a few others.

Big Yavo career

Big Yavo is known for songs like “No Pen”, “Him”, “Rich”, “Shawn Kemp” and more.

Big Yavo started recording songs and posting videos on YouTube in 2019 and is currently signed to Cinematic music group.

According to him in an interview, he sees music as a hobby and something he just enjoys doing rather than a something he wants to be doing the rest of his life.

He has to released albums named “On God II” and “The largest”.

Big Yavo songs

Some of Big Yavo songs are:

  1. No Pen
  2. Him
  3. Rich
  4. Lumber Jack
  5. Cabbage Patch
  6. Yayski

Big Yavo social media

Instagram: @big_yavo

Big Yavo net worth

Big Yavo net worth has been estimated at $200,000.



Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Big Yavo real name?

His real name is Yavo Osama

How old is Big Yavo?

He is 23 years’ old.


Thank you for reading my Big Yavo biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.

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