Thaddeus Attah biography, net worth, age, career, state of origin, education, profile and more

Thaddeus Attah biography, net worth, age, career, state of origin, education, profile and more

Read all about Thaddeus Attah biography and net worth

Thaddeus Attah is a Nigerian businessman, investor and politician. He is currently a member of the Labour Party (LP).

Thaddeus Attah was the winner of the Eti-Osa federal constituency seat in the house of Representatives with a total of 24,075 votes. He beat Mr. Olubankole Wellington (Banky W) of the People’s democratic party (PDP).

If you want to read all about Thaddeus Attah biography, Thaddeus Attah net worth, Thaddeus Attah age, Thaddeus attah career, Thaddeus Attah state of origin, Thaddeus Attah education, Thaddeus Attah profile and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Thaddeus Attah:

Read my Margaret Obi biography and net worth

Thaddeus Attah profile

Name: JT Attah Thaddeus

Date of birth: N/A

State of origin: Benue state

Net worth: N/A

Age: N/A

Profession: Businessman, investor and politician

Party: Labour Party (LP)



Thaddeus Attah biography (Early life)

Not much is known about Thaddeus Attah early life and family.

Thaddeus Attah education

Not much is known about Thaddeus Attah education

Thaddeus Attah career

Thaddeus Attah was the winner of the Eti-Osa federal constituency seat in the house of Representatives with a total of 24,075 votes. He beat Mr. Olubankole Wellington (Banky W) of the People’s democratic party (PDP).

Thaddeus Attah net worth

Thaddeus net worth has not yet been estimated.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is Thaddeus Attah?


What state is Thaddeus Attah from?

He hails from Benue state


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