Okey Ahiwe biography, net worth, age, career, education, politics, wife, state of origin and more

Okey Ahiwe biography, net worth, age, career, education, politics, wife, state of origin and more

Read all about Okey Ahiwe biography and net worth.

Okey Ahiwe is a Nigerian entrepreneur, business man and politician, he was appointed as the Chief of Staff to the governor of Abia state in April 2022.

Okey Ahiwe owns Ambrokah investments ltd & powertrim Nigeria Limited, which is of the Maritime sub-sector of the Oil & gas industry supporting major multinational oil firms.

Before becoming the Chief of Staff, Okey Ahiwe has served in the campaign council for Governorship elections in Abia state, he has also been part of the National sub-committees of PDP for the conduct of party primaries in cross river & Oyo states.

If you want to read all about Okey Ahiwe biography, Okey Ahiwe net worth, Okey Ahiwe age, Okey Ahiwe career, Okey Ahiwe education, Okey Ahiwe politics, Okey Ahiwe wife, Okey Ahiwe state of origin, Okey Ahiwe date of birth and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Okey Ahiwe:

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Okey Ahiwe profile

Okey ahiwe biography

Name: Okechukwu Abrose Ahiwe

Date of birth: December 26th 1966

Age: 57 years’ old

State of origin: Abia state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Politician, entrepreneur and businessman

Net worth: $5 million


Okey Ahiwe biography (Early life)

Okey Ahiwe was born on the 26th of December 1966, he hails from Umuire Village, Eziama Ntigha Autonomous community of Isiala-Ngwa north LGA, Abia state.

Okey Ahiwe education

Okey Ahiwe had his basic education in Ntigha and Umuahia respectively. He graduated from the University of Lagos with a degree in Political science.

He also got his Master’s degree in Political science in the Abia state University.

Okey Ahiwe career

Okey Ahiwe owns Ambrokah investments ltd & powertrim Nigeria Limited, which is of the Maritime sub-sector of the Oil & gas industry supporting major multinational oil firms with wide ranging services including cathodic protection of oil pipelines onshore & offshore.

Okey Ahiwe has been honored by many reputable organizations including churches, town unions, professional bodies, socio-cultural associations and the federal ministry of works & housing.

Okey Ahiwe politics

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Okey Ahiwe is currently as member of the people’s democratic party. Ahiwe has served in the campaign council for Governorship elections in Abia state, he has also been part of the National sub-committees of PDP for the conduct of party primaries in cross river & Oyo states.

Okay served as a member of the Abia state security trust fund.

He served as pioneer elected president of the lost influential socio-cultural organization in Ngwa board, the Ngwa patriot’s forum.

Okey Ahiwe was appointed as the Chief of Staff to the governor of Abia state in April 2022.

Okey Ahiwe wife

Okey Ahiwe got married to Nnenna Ahiwe and the marriage has been blessed with five children.

Okey Ahiwe net worth

Okey Ahiwe net worth has been estimated at $5 million. He owns Ambrokah investments ltd & powertrim Nigeria Limited, which is of the Maritime sub-sector of the Oil & gas industry supporting major multinational oil firms.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is Okey Ahiwe?

He is 57 years’ old as at 2023

What state of Okey Ahiwe from?

He hails from Abia state

What is Okey Ahiwe net worth?

Okey Ahiwe net worth has been estimated at $5 million.


Thank you for reading my post on the Okey Ahiwe biography and net worth. Please if you have any opinions or corrections, visit our contact page.

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One comment

  1. He has good background but he will not win.abians want new party in goverance because PDP has failed abians for 24 years.they shared abia resources within themselves.enough is enough.

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