Ireti Kingibe biography, net worth, age, state of origin, career, marriage, politics, education and more

Ireti Kingibe biography, net worth, age, state of origin, career, marriage, politics, education and more

Read all about Ireti kingibe biography and net worth.

Ireti Kingibe is a Nigerian civil engineer, philanthropist and politician, she is the wife of the former secretary to the government of the federation, Baba Gana Kingibe and also the younger sister to Nigeria’s former first lady Ajoke Mohammed.

Ireti Kingibe graduated with a degree in Civil engineering from the University of Minnesota in the United states of America.

She got into politics sometime in the 2000s and has run for senator multiple times under All Nigeria’s people party, All progressives congress and People’s democratic party. Ireti Joined Labour Party in 2022 and emerged as the FCT senatorial candidate for the 2023 Nigerian general elections:

If you want to read all about Ireti Kingibe biography, Ireti Kingibe net worth, Ireti Kingibe age, Ireti Kingibe state of origin, Ireti Kingibe career, Ireti Kingibe marriage, Ireti Kingibe politics, Ireti Kingibe education and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Ireti Kingibe:


Ireti Kingibe profile

Ireti kingibe biography

Name: Ireti Heebah Kingibe

Date of birth: 2nd June 1954

Age: 68 years’ old

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Civil engineer, Philanthropist and politician

Net worth: N/A


Ireti Kingibe biography (Early life)

Ireti Kingibe was born on the 2nd of June 1954, she is the younger sister to Nigeria’s former first lady Ajoke Mohammed.

Ireti Kingibe education

She attended the Emotan preparatory school in Benin city and the Queen’s college, Lagos. She then moved to the US, where she attended the Washington living high school.

Ireti Kingibe graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in Civil engineering.

Ireti Kingibe career

After graduation, Ireti worked for Bradley precast concrete Inc., she also worked for the Minnesota department of transportation.

In Nigeria, she worked at the headquarters of the Nigerian Air force base in Ikeja, Lagos and she also worked in a construction company in Kaduna.

Ireti Kingibe started her political career in the 2000s and has run for the position of Senator multiple times.

She was the candidate for the All Nigeria peoples party for the FCT in 2003. In 2006 & 20011 she ran under the People’s democratic party.

In 2015, she ran under the All progressives congress (APC) but later withdrew.

She joined Labour Party in 2022 and emerged as the FCT senatorial candidate for the 2023 Nigerian general elections.

Ireti Kingibe net worth

Ireti Kingibe net worth has not yet been estimated.

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is Ireti Kingibe?

She is 68 years’ old as at 2023.

What is Ireti Kingibe net worth?

Ireti Kingibe net worth has not yet been estimated.

Who is Ireti Kingibe husband?

She is the wife of the former secretary to the government of the federation, Baba Gana Kingibe.



Thank you for reading my Ireti Kingibe biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.


  1. Congratulations. Senator-Elect Ireti Kingibe is indeed a good fighter. I would someday like to interview you and share your doggedness with Nigerian youths in the Premier Nigeria.
    I am Dr. Biodun Adeneye-Marcus, Publisher and Author resident in Lagos 08137510145.

  2. Congratulations to Senator-elect Ireti Kingibe.
    A courageous woman whose doggedness is incomparable. Would like to someday interview and feature in PremierNigeria for the purpose of building a strong force of action in the youths of Nigeria. I am a Publisher and author of books listed in the Curriculum of Lagos State. My no is 08137510245.

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