Jamil Abubakar biography, net worth, age, education, marriage, controversy, state of origin and more

Jamil Abubakar biography, net worth, age, education, marriage, controversy, state of origin and more

Read all about Jamil Abubakar biography and net worth

Jamil Abubakar is a Nigerian IT Expert, Aviation mentor and Airline transport pilot. He is currently married to the daughter of Dangote (Richest man in Africa) “Fatima”.

Jamil is the son of the former Inspector general of Police Mohammed Dikko Abubakar, and his mother was Maryam Abubakar.

He started his aviation training in Aviation management and operation at Epic flight school in New Smryna, Florida in the United states.

Jamil has worked as a Airline transport pilot for Kano-based Azman Air services limited and also as a commercial pilot with the IRS airline in Nigeria.

If you want to read all about Jamil Abubakar biography, Jamil Abubakar net worth, Jamil Abubakar age, Jamil Abubakar education, Jamil Abubakar marriage, Jamil Abubakar controversy, Jamil Abubakar state of origin, Jamil Abubakar wife, Jamil Abubakar father and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Jamil Abubakar:


Jamil Abubakar profile

Jamil abubakar biography

Name: Jami Mohammed Abubakar

Date of birth: 29th January 1986

Age: 37 year’s old

State of origin: Zamfara state

Place of birth: Gusau

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Pilot

Net worth: $1 million

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Jamil Abubakar biography (Early life)

Jamil Abubakar was born on the 29th January 1986 in Gusau, he hails from Zamfara state. Jamil is the son of the former Inspector general of Police Mohammed Dikko Abubakar, and his mother was Maryam Abubakar.

Jamil Abubakar education

Jamil attended the Home Science association primary school in Ikoyi, Lagos. He attended Military school in Zaria.

He graduated with a Bsc in Information System & multimedia from the Kingston university London.

He also attended the Enfield college London in UK to study business information technology.

Jamil Abubakar career

Jamil Abubakar started his aviation training in Aviation management & operation at Epic flight school in New Smryna, Florida in the US.

He attended Aerostar training services LLC in Orlando, Florida and obtained Tyre rating Boeing 737-NC(600-900,BB) and SIM Aero in France in 2011.

He completed his training (Private pilot license & commercial pilot license) in 2010.

Jamil has worked as a Airline transport pilot for Kano-based Azman Air services limited and also as a commercial pilot with the IRS airline in Nigeria.

He is the President of JMD Foundation, a non-profit organization that was established in 2012, has about 35 active members and has since done projects spanning community development, women empowerment, student alleviation, mentorship, feeding, and health.

Jamil Abubakar marriage

Jamil Abubakar got married to the daughter of Aliko Dangote (Richest man in Africa) “Fatima” on the 15th March 2018, the marriage was attended by lots of important personalities like actress, actors etc.

Their union has so far been blessed with a daughter.

Jamil Abubakar net worth

Jamil Abubakar net worth has been estimated at $1 million. He usually posts pictures of his flashy cars and luxury lifestyle.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Jamil Abubakar from?

He hails from Zamfara state.

What is Jamil Abubakar net worth?

Jamil Abubakar net worth has been estimated at $1 million. He usually posts pictures of his flashy cars and luxury lifestyle.


Thank you for reading my Jamil Abubakar biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.


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