Ndi Kato biography, net worth, career, age, education, state of origin, husband, politics and more

Ndi Kato biography, net worth, career, age, education, state of origin, husband, politics and more

Read all about Ndi Kato biography and net worth.

Ndi Kato is a Nigerian politician, political analyst and human rights activist, she is the executive director at the Dinidari foundation.

Ndi Kato is regularly seen on TV and has appeared in AL Jazeera, BBC, VDA, Channels, AIT, Arise TV & TVC.

She was appointed as one of the Spokesperson of Peter Obi Labour Party (LP) alongside Tanko Yinusa (Head), Nana Kazaure, Kenneth Okonkwo, Dele Farotimi and Ime Ufot.

Ndi Kato was formerly of the People’s democratic Party (Party), but left after having some issues, she is now a member of Labour Party (LP).

If you want to read all about Ndi Kato biography, Ndi Kato net worth, Ndi Kato career, Ndi Kato age, Ndi Kato education, Ndi Kato state of origin, Ndi Kato politics, Ndi Kato social media, Ndi Kato LGA, Ndi Kato husband, Ndi Kato son and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Ndo Kato:


Ndi Kato profile

Ndi Kato biography

Name: Ndi Benedicta Kato

Date of birth: October 14th, 1989

Age: 33 years’ old

State of origin: Kaduna State

Nationality: Nigerian

Net worth: $500,000

Occupation: Politician, Political analyst

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Ndi Kato biography (Early life)

Ndi Kato was born on the 14th of October 1989 in Kaduna State. She hails from the Jema’a local government area in Kaduna state.

Her mother worked in the University of Abuja before she died after a bout of illness, also her father is dead.

Ndi Kato has four (4) siblings

Ndi Kato education

Ndi Kato had her primary and secondary education in Kaduna State, she also attended the University of Jos and graduated with a degree in Mass Communication & Mass Studies.

Ndi Kato career & politics

Ndi Kato got involved in Politics in her early 20s, she was formerly of the People’s democratic Party (Party), but left after having some issues, she is now a member of Labour Party (LP).

Ndi Kato is regularly seen on TV and has appeared in AL Jazeera, BBC, VDA, Channels, AIT, Arise TV & TVC.

She is the executive director at the Dinidari foundation.

Ndi Kato makes the list of the six Obi-Dalti presidential campaign official spokesperson which includes alongside Tanko Yinusa (Head), Nana Kazaure, Kenneth Okonkwo, Dele Farotimi and Ime Ufot.

Aside Politics, Ndi Kato is also a human rights activist and has regularly fought for women inclusion in Politics, she also was part of the people who were heavily involved in the EndSars movement.

Ndi Kato personal life

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Ndi Kato has a son; whose name is PAUL. It is not known if she is currently married, as her husband is not known.

Ndi Kato net worth

Ndi Kato net worth has been estimated at $500,000.

Ndi Kato social media

Instagram: @Ndikato

Twitter: @NdiKato

Facebook: @NdiKato

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is Ndi Kato?

She is 33 years old as at 2023.

Is Ndi Kato married?

It is not known if she is currently married, as her husband is not known.

Where is Ndi Kato from?

She hails from Kaduna state.

Thank you for reading my post on Ndi Kato biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.


  1. I love her charisma. She is smart and outspoken. She is calm and factual.

    I am glad ObiDatti Presidential campaign and Labour Party picked her as the Presidential Spokesperson for Labour Party come 2023 February General elections.

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