Chikamso Ejiofor biography, net worth, career, education, age, state of origin, wife, movies and more

Chikamso Ejiofor biography, net worth, career, education, age, state of origin, wife, movies and more

Read all about Chikamso Ejiofor biography and net worth

Chikamso Ejiofor is a Nigerian actor who is known for movies like sweet & tom tom, Sunny boy, Disco dancers and more. He was introduced to acting by Ugochukwu Dominic, the CEO of ROCKCELLY FILMS LTD.

Chikamso Ejiofor is also known as Ozonigbo, NwaEzendiala, Sunnybo & NTU, and has been tipped to attain the same stardom as Chinedu Ikedieze and Osita Iheme (Aki & pawpaw).

Many people have asked if Chikamso Ejiofor is the son of Zubby Michael, because he always plays the role of Zubby Michael son in movies.

If you want to read all about Chikamso Ejiofor biography, Chikamso Ejiofor net worth, Chikamso Ejiofor career, Chikamso Ejiofor education, Chikamso Ejiofor age, Chikamso Ejiofor state of origin, Chikamso Ejiofor wife, Chikamso Ejiofor movies, Chikamso Ejiofor parents, Chikamso Ejiofor father, Chikamso Ejiofor mother, Chikamso Ejiofor social media and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Chikamso Ejiofor:


Chikamso Ejiofor profile

Chikamso ejiofor biography

Real name: Chikamso Ejiofor Ozonigbo

Date of birth: 6th of March 1994

Age: 31 years’ old

State of origin: Anambra state

Nationality: Nigerian

Profession: Actor

Net worth: N/A

Read my post on Zubby Michael biography and net worth

Chikamso Ejiofor biography (Early life)

Chikamso Ejiofor was born on the 6th of March 1994 and hails from the eastern part of Nigeria. Not much is known about his family and siblings

Chikamso Ejiofor education

Chikamso Ejiofor educational information is not yet known. He completed his primary and secondary school education and obtained his first school leaving certificate and west African senior school certificate.

Chikamso Ejiofor career

Chikamso Ejiofor is known for movies like sweet & tom tom, Sunny boy, Disco dancers and more. He was introduced to acting by Ugochukwu Dominic, the CEO of ROCKCELLY FILMS LTD.

Chikamso Ejiofor is also known as Ozonigbo, NwaEzendiala, Sunnybo & NTU, and has been tipped to attain the same stardom as Chinedu Ikedieze and Osita Iheme (Aki & pawpaw).

Many people have asked if Chikamso Ejiofor is the son of Zubby Michael, because he always plays the role of Zubby Michael son in movies.

Chikamso Ejiofor movies

The below are some of Chikamso Ejiofor movies:

  1. Sweet & tomtom
  2. Problem child
  3. Billionaire Gang
  4. Disco dancers
  5. Sunny boy
  6. Commissioner
  7. Happiness

Chikamso Ejiofor net worth

Chikamso Ejiofor net worth has not yet been estimated. He makes money as an actor.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Chikamso Ejiofor net worth?

Chikamso Ejiofor net worth has not yet been estimated. He makes money as an actor.

Is Chikamso Ejiofor Zubby Michael son?

No, he is not.

Is Chikamso Ejiofor married?

No, he is not yet married.

Read my post on Blossom Chukwujekwu biography and net worth

Thank you for reading my Chikamso Ejiofor biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.


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