Ekiti Pikin biography, net worth, career, age, state of origin, education, real name and more

Ekiti Pikin biography, net worth, career, age, state of origin, education, real name and more

Read all about Ekiti Pikin biography and net worth.

Ekiti Pikin is a popular punter who is well known on twitter, he made headlines after he won a staggering amount of 40 million from Sportybet, and he also made headlines after he won 35 million on Christmas day.

Ekiti Pikin is the founder of Zupago app, which allows you to send & receive money in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, USA and UK.

He is also the founder of Moe Foundation, which was formed with the goal of helping the needy with shelter, food, bills and more.

If you want to read all about Ekiti Pikin biography, Ekiti Pikin net worth, Ekiti Pikin career, Ekiti Pikin age, Ekiti Pikin state of origin, Ekiti Pikin education, Ekiti Pikin real name, Ekiti Pikin girlfriend, Ekiti Pikin social media and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Ekiti Pikin:

Ekiti Pikin profile

Real name: N/A

Also known as: Mayor of Ekiti, Bookies Nightmare

State of origin: Ekiti state

Place of residency: Abuja

Nationality: Nigerian

Date of birth: 16th of September

Net worth: N/A

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Ekiti Pikin biography (Early life)

Ekiti Pikin was born on the 16th of September. He currently resides in Abuja.

Not much is known about Ekiti Pikin early life and family

Ekiti Pikin career

Ekiti Pikin is a popular punter who is well known on twitter, he made headlines after he won a staggering amount of 40 million from Sportybet, and he also made headlines after he won 35 million on Christmas day.

Ekiti Pikin is the founder of Zupago app, which allows you to send & receive money in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, USA and UK.

He is also the founder of Moe Foundation, which was formed with the goal of helping the needy with shelter, food, bills and more.

Ekiti Pikin net worth

Ekiti Pikin net worth has not yet been estimated. He is one of the richest punters in Nigeria and has massive following on social media.


Thank you for reading my Ekiti Pikin biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.


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