Dunsin Oyekan biography, net worth, career, age, wife, mother, state of origin, education, family and more

Dunsin Oyekan biography, net worth, career, age, wife, mother, state of origin, education, family and more

Read all about Dunsin Oyekan biography and net worth.

Dunsin Oyekan is a Nigerian Gospel singer, song writer and instrumentalist. He is known for songs like “Na You”, “You are good” and many more.

Dunsin Oyekan was born into a Christian family, his father was the General overseer of Evangelical Baptist church.

He started playing Guitar at the age of 10, after his father pushed him to be involved in Music. Dunsin also learnt how to play other instruments.

Dunsin Oyekan has ministered on the stage with other popular artistes like Frank Edwards, Bryon cage, Don Moen, Tye Tribett and many others.

If you want to read all about Dunsin Oyekan biography, Dunsin Oyakan net worth, Dunsin Oyekan career, Dunsin Oyekan age, Dunsin Oyekan wife, Dunsin Oyekan mother, Dunsin Oyekan family, Dunsin Oyekan father, Dunsin Oyekan state of origin, Dunsin Oyekan education, Dunsin Oyekan songs, Dunsin Oyekan album and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Dunsin Oyekan


Dunsin Oyekan profile

Dunsin oyekan biography

Name: Dunsin Oyekan

Also known as: The Eagle

Date of birth: 5th November 1984

Age: 38 years’ old

State of origin: Kwara state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Song writer and singer

Net worth: $1 million

Associated acts: Victoria Orenze, Frank Edwards

Read my Victoria Orenze biography and net worth

Dunsin Oyekan biography (Early life)

Dunsin Oyekan was born on the 5th of November 1964 in Ilorin, Kwara state to a Christian family,his father was the General overseer of Evangelical Baptist church.

His father is late, but his mother is still alive.

He started playing Guitar at the age of 10, after his father pushed him to be involved in Music. Dunsin also learnt how to play other instruments.

Dunsin Oyekan education

Dunsin Oyekan attended the Airforce Nursery & primary school in Ilorin, He also attended the Federal government college in Ilorin and the Baptist Model high school, Ilorin.

He then proceeded to the University of Ilorin, Kwara where he studied Industrial Chemistry.

Dunsin Oyekan career

Dunsin Oyekan started playing the Guitar at the age of 10, he was also part of his church choir.

He was a One-time music director at the Avalanche of the Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA) in Ilorin, Kwara state.

Dunsin has over three albums to his name and has released over 50 songs in his career, he has also ministered on staged alongside the likes of Don Meon, Bryon Cage, Tye Tribett, William Murphy, Kim Burrell, Sinach, Frank Edwards, Freke Umoh and many more.

Dunsin Oyekan songs

Some of Dunsin Oyekan songs are:

  1. Amazing
  2. Spotlight
  3. Count on me
  4. Your name is lifted
  5. Just You & me
  6. Yahweh
  7. Miraculous God
  8. You are Good
  9. No words
  10. Jesus
  11. Breathe
  12. Halleluyah
  13. I’ll never stop

Dunsin Oyekan album

  1. Code Red
  2. Kingdom now
  3. The gospel of the Kingdom

Dunsin Oyekan wife

Dunsin Oyekan got married to Adedoyin Oyekan in February 2, 2013, they both met in the University of Ilorin. The marriage is blessed with two kids

She died in 2019, the cause of her death is not known.

Dunsin Oyekan net worth

Read my Pastor Paul Enenche biography and net worth

Dunsin Oyekan net worth has been estimated at $1 million. He makes money as a gospel artiste and has ministered alongside the likes of Don Meon, Bryon Cage, Tye Tribett, William Murphy, Kim Burrell, Sinach, Frank Edwards, Freke Umoh and many more.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is Dunsin Oyekan?

He is 38 years’ old as at 2022.

What is Dunsin Oyekan net worth?

Dunsin Oyekan net worth has been estimated at $1 million

How many children does Dunsin Oyekan have?

He has two children

What state is Dunsin Oyekan from?

Dunsin Oyekan was born in Kwara state.



Thank you for reading my Dunsin Oyekan biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

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Thank you once again for reading.


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