Ivy Ifeoma biography, net worth, career, age, state of origin, education, parents, boyfriend and more

Ivy Ifeoma biography, net worth, career, age, state of origin, education, parents, boyfriend and more

Read all about Ivy Ifeoma biography and net worth.

Ivy Ifeoma is a fashion, beauty and lifestyle influencer, she is the CEO of theIvymark, which is a clothing brand. She rose to fame after her relationship with Paul Okoye of P-Square became public knowledge.

They made their relationship public in December of 2022, but according to reports, they had been dating for over a year.

Their relationship began after Paul Okoye had split ways with his wife and mother of his children Anita Okoye after they had irreconcilable differences.

If you want to read all about Ivy Ifeoma biography, Ivy Ifeoma net worth, Ivy Ifeoma career, Ivy Ifeoma age, Ivy Ifeoma age, Ivy Ifeoma state of origin, Ivy Ifeoma education, Ivy Ifeoma parents, Ivy Ifeoma siblings, Ivy Ifeoma boyfriend and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Ivy Ifeoma:


Ivy Ifeoma profile

Ivy ifeoma biography

Name; Ivy Ifeoma Iboko

Also known as: Ivy Zenny

Date of birth: N/A

Age: 22 years’ old

State of origin: Abia state

Occupation: Social media influencer, content creator, business woman

Nationality: Nigerian

Net worth: N/A

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Ivy Ifeoma biography (Early life)

Ivy Ifeoma was born in the 2000s and hails from Abia state and is Igbo by tribe. Not much information is available on her parents and siblings.

Ivy Ifeoma education

She has obtained her first school leaving certificate and west African senior school leaving certificate. According to reports, she graduated from the Abia state University.

Ivy Ifeoma career

Ivy Ifeoma is a fashion, beauty and lifestyle influencer, she is the CEO of theIvymark, which is a clothing brand. She rose to fame after her relationship with Paul Okoye of P-Square became public knowledge.

Ivy Ifeoma relationship

Ivy Ifeoma is in a relationship with Paul Okoye of PSquare. They made their relationship public in December of 2022, but according to reports, they had been dating for over a year.

Their relationship began after Paul Okoye had split ways with his wife and mother of his children Anita Okoye after they had irreconcilable differences.

Ivy Ifeoma net worth

Ivy Ifeoma net worth has not yet been estimated.

Ivy Ifeoma social media

Read my Destiny Etiko biography and net worth

Instagram: @Ivy_zenny

TikTok: @ivyifeoma


Thank you for reading my Ivy Ifeoma biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.

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