Ayomidate comedian biography, net worth, career, wife, girlfriend, age, state of origin, education and more

Ayomidate comedian biography, net worth, career, wife, girlfriend, age, state of origin, education and more

Read all about Ayomidate biography and net worth

Ayomidate is a Nigerian comedian & actor. He is popularly known for his funny comedy skits which he regularly posts on his social media accounts.

He rose to fame after a couple of his videos went viral and is usually associated with other content creators like Shank comics, Sir Balo and more.

Ayomidate has gained over a million fans on social media and has featured in numerous skits alongside the likes of Don Jazzy, Shank comics and many more.

If you want to read all about Ayomidate biography, Ayomidate net worth, Ayomidate age, Ayomidate career, Ayomidate girlfriend, Ayomidate state of origin, Ayomidate education, Ayomidate social media and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Comedian Ayomidate:

Read my post on Shank comics biography and net worth

Ayomidate profile

Name: Ayomide Adegboye

Date of birth: 22nd January

Age: N/A

State of origin: Lagos state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Content creator, comedian and actor

Associated acts: Shank comics, Sir balo, Sabinus

Net worth: N/A

Ayomidate Biography

Ayomidate was born in Lagos state on the 22nd of January. Not much is known about his family and early life.

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Ayomidate education

Ayomidate completed his primary and secondary school education in Lagos state Nigeria and obtained his first school leaving certificate and west African senior school certificate.

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Ayomidate career

Ayomidate is popularly known for his funny comedy skits which he regularly posts on his social media accounts.

He rose to fame after a couple of his videos went viral and is usually associated with other content creators like Shank comics, Sir Balo and more.

Ayomidate has gained over a million fans on social media and has featured in numerous skits alongside the likes of Don Jazzy, Shank comics and many more.

Ayomidate girlfriend

Ayomidate is not currently in a relationship and he is not yet married.

Ayomidate net worth

Read my Sir Balo biography and net worth

Ayomidate net worth has not yet been estimated. He makes money from collaborating with brands and helping the, promote their products through his skits.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How old is Ayomidate comedian?


Where is Ayomidate from?

Ayomidate hails from Lagos state


Thank you for reading my Ayomidate biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.

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