Pastor Lazarus Mouka biography, net worth, career, books, wife, children, state of origin and more

Pastor Lazarus Mouka biography, net worth, career, books, wife, children, state of origin and more

Read all about Pastor Lazarus Mouka biography and net worth.

Pastor Lazarus Mouka is a Pastor, author and minister, he is the general overseer & founder of the Lord’s chosen charismatic revival movement.

Pastor Lazars Mouka initially worked as a pastor for the Catholic Charismatic Revival before founding his own church in 2002.

He has authored several books like “Mark my words”, “Ye must be born again”, “How God called Me?” and more.

Pastor Lazarus has been accused in the past for performing fake & staged miracles, which he has vehemently denied.

If you want to read all about Pastor Lazarus Mouka biography, Pastor Lazarus Mouka net worth, Pastor Lazarus Mouka career, Pastor Lazarus Mouka books, Pastor Lazarus Mouka wife, Pastor Lazarus Mouka education, Pastor Lazarus Mouka children, Pastor Lazarus Mouka state of origin and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Pastor Lazarus Mouka


Pastor Lazarus Mouka profile

Pastor Lazarus mouka biography

Name: Pastor Lazarus Mouka

Date of birth: N/A

Age:  N/A

State of origin: Imo state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Author, Minister

Net worth: $2 million

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Pastor Lazarus Mouka biography (Early life)

Pastor Lazarus was born into a catholic family in Umuhu-Okabia in Orsu local government area of Orlu zone.

Not much information is available on his family.

Pastor Lazarus Mouka education He had his primary and secondary education and obtained his first school leaving certificate & west African senior school certificate in Imo state.

No information is available on his university education

Pastor Lazarus Mouka career

Pastor Lazarus moved to Lagos in 1975 and was into the Vehicle Spare parts business, before becoming a pastor in Catholic charismatic revival.

He founded his own church lord’s chosen Charismatic revival movement in in December 24th 2002. He had just few members in a rent space in Lagos state, Nigeria.

Lord’s chosen charismatic revival has grown to be one of the biggest and most popular churches in Nigeria.

Pastor Lazarus Mouka books

The following are some of the books written by pastor Lazarus:

  1. How God called me
  2. Mark my words
  3. And ye shall receive power
  4. Ye must be born again
  5. Christianity: A better and pure religion

Pastor Lazarus Mouka marriage

Pastor Lazarus is married to Joy Mouka and the marriage is blessed with two children who are both married.

Pastor Lazarus Mouka net worth

Pastor Lazarus Mouka net worth has been estimated at $ 2 million. He is one of the richest pastors in Nigeria.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where is Pastor Lazarus Mouka from?

He hails from Imo state.

How old is Pastor Lazarus Mouka?


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