KieKie biography, net worth, career, age, husband, child, education, state of origin and more

KieKie biography, net worth, career, age, husband, child, education, state of origin and more

Read all about KieKie biography and net worth.

KieKie is a Nigerian TV personality, content creator, model and fashion personality. She is popular on social media for her great content which revolves around comedy, fashion and her lifestyle.

KieKie started her career as a host & producer of a fashion TV show on GoldMyneTV as well as on a show “Style street” on ONTV.

She is also a movie actress who has featured in few movies like flatline, Okoto series and Mimi.

If you want to read all about Kiekie biography, Kiekie net worth, Kiekie career, Kiekie age, Kiekie husband, Kiekie husband, Kiekie child, Kiekie education, Kiekie state of origin, KieKie parents and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of KieKie:


KieKie profile

Kiekie biography

Real name: Bukunmi Adeaga-Ilori

Date of birth: June 20th 1990

Age: 32 years’ old

State of origin: Oyo state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: TV personality, Content creator and model

Net worth: $300,000

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KieKie biography (Early life)

Kiekie whose real name is Bukunmi Adeaga-Ilori was born in Ibadan, Oyo state and spent a lot of her early life there.

Not much is known about her parents and her siblings.

KieKie education

KieKie had her primary and secondary school education in Ibadan, Oyo state where she obtained her first school leaving certificate and west African senior school certificate.

She then proceeded to Bowen University in Osun state, where she studied Mass communication.

She also got a Master’s degree in Marketing from the London school of business.

KieKie career

KieKie started her career as a host & producer of a fashion TV show on GoldMyneTV as well as on a show “Style street” on ONTV.

She is known on Instagram for her skits and has been able to attract over 1.5 million followers on the app. KieKie has a YouTube channel called KieKie TV and she has thousands of subscribers.

She is also a movie actress who has featured in few movies like flatline, Okoto series and Mimi.

Kiekie is the CEO of Accost collections, a fashion brand that focuses on female apparel.

KieKie husband

KieKie got married to Mr. Ilori sometime in 2020 and they gave birth to their first child in 2022, a baby girl whose name is NOLA. E. ILORI.

KieKie social media

If you want to follow Kiekie on social media, you can do that via the following channels:

Instagram: @Kie_kie_

Twitter: @Kie_Kie_

KieKie net worth

KieKie net worth has been estimated at $300,000. Kiekie is the CEO of Accost collections, a fashion brand that focuses on female apparel.

KieKie has endorsement deals with Molped Nigeria, Ruba beauty, Jabulani express, perfection real estate group and more.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is KieKie comedian real name?

KieKie real name is Bukunmi Adeaga_Ilori

Which state is KieKie from?

KieKie is from Oyo state

Is KieKie married?

KieKie got married to Mr. Ilori sometime in 2020

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Thank you for reading my KieKie biography and net worth, if you have anything to add or perhaps you have any correction, you can leave them in the comment section below.

Remember to share with your friends on social media.

Thank you once again for reading.


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