Judy Austin biography, net worth, career, age, education, husband, state of origin, children and more

Judy Austin biography, net worth, career, age, education, husband, state of origin, children and more

Read all about Judy Austin biography and net worth

Judy Austin is a Nigeria actress, movie producer and business woman who currently married to Popular Nigerian actor Yul-edochie.

Judy Austin went viral after news of her relationship and her child with Yul-edochie was made known to the public, even though Yul was already married.

Judy Austin started her acting career in 2013 after being recommended by Sylvester madu. She has worked in movies like “Native girl”, “Where I belong”, “Goodbye tomorrow” and more.

If you want to read all about Judy Austin biography, Judy Austin net worth, Judy Austin career, Judy Austin age, Judy Austin education, Judy Austin husband, Judy Austin and Yul edochie, Judy Austin children, Judy Austin state of origin, Judy Austin date of birth and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Nigerian Actress Judy Austin:


Judy Austin profile

Judy Austin biography

Name: Moughalu Uchechukwu Judith

Date of birth: 31st of December 1991

Age: 31 years’ old

State of origin: Anambra state

Nationality: Nigerian

Occupation: Actress, movie producer and business woman

Net worth: $500,000


Judy Austin biography (Early life)

Judy Austin whose full name is Moughalu Uchechukwu Judith was born on the 31st of December 1991 in Anambra state Nigeria.

Not much is known about her family, but she is said to have grown up in a loving and caring home.

Read my May Yul edochie biography and net worth

Judy Austin education

Judy Austin completed her primary and secondary education in Anambra state, where she got her first school leaving certificate and SSCE.

She has also completed her university education, although we do not currently have more information on that.

Judy Austin career

Judy Austin started her acting career in 2013 after being recommended by Sylvester madu. She has worked in movies like “Native girl”, “Where I belong”, “Goodbye tomorrow” and more.

She played a role in the 1988 movie “DANCE” which was one of her first movie roles.

She is the CEO of boutique known as “JudyAustin Boutique”

Judy Austin husband

Judy Austin is married to popular Nigerian movie actor Yul edochie. She went viral after news of her relationship and her child with Yul-edochie was made known to the public, even though Yul was already married.

She wedded Yul in a traditional wedding in her hometown and became his second wife.

Judy Austin child

Judy Austin child with Yul edochie is named Sike Munachimso Yul Edochie. It is not yet known if she has other children.

Judy Austin movies

Some of the movies she has worked in are as follows:

Ernest scared stupid, Native girl, Where I belong, Goodbye tomorrow, secret of riches, DANCE and many more.

Judy Austin net worth

Judy Austin net worth has been estimated at $500,000. She makes money as an actress & movie producer, and she is also the owner of a boutique known as “JudyAustin Boutique”

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Read my Sylvester Madu biography and net worth

Is Judy Austin married to Yul edochie?

Yes, Judy Austin is married to Yul edochie and is his second wife

How old is Judy Austin?

Judy Austin is 31 years old as at 2022.



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