Uzoamaka Onuoha biography, net worth, career, education, age, state of origin and more

Uzoamaka Onuoha biography, net worth, career, education, age, state of origin and more

Read all about Uzoamaka Onuoha biography and net worth.

Uzoamaka Onuoha is a Nigerian actress who hails from the Imo state in the eastern part of Nigeria. She is known for her role in “Diiche” and series of other movies she has appeared in like Ordinary fellows, Omugwo, Blood sisters and more.

Uzoamaka started developed a passion for acting at a young age, this lead her to study theatre & film at the university of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN).

If you want to read all about Uzoamaka Onuoha biography, Uzoamaka Onuoha net worth, Uzoamaka Onuoha career, Uzoamaka Onuoha education, Uzoamaka Onuoha state of origin, Uzoamaka Onuoha age, Uzoamaka Onuoha awards, Uzoamaka Onuoha films and more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of Actress Uzoamaka Onuoha:

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Uzoamaka Onuoha profile

Uzoamaka onuoha biography

Name: Uzoamaka Onuoha

Date of birth: 25th April


State of origin: Imo state

Nationality: Nigerian

Tribe: Igbo

Occupation: Actress

State of residence: Lagos state

Net worth: N/A


Uzoamaka Onuoha biography

Uzoamaka Onuoha was born on the 25th April and hails from Imo state in the eastern part of Nigeria. She is Igbo by tribe.

Uzoamaka Onuoha education

Uzoamaka Onuoha had her primary school education, where she obtained her first school leaving certificate. she also completed his secondary education and obtained her west African senior school certificate.

She graduated from the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN) were she studied theatre & film and also completed her youth service.

Uzoamaka Onuoha career

Uzoamaka Onuoha developed an interest for acting at a young age. She is an alumnus of Ebonylife creative academy.

She has had roles in movies like If I am president, Ordinary fellows, Omugwo, Stories by Her, Visa on Arrival, Blood sisters, King of boys. Her first major role came when she landed the part for Diiche in the movie Diiche.

Uzoamaka Onuoha social media

If you want to follow Uzoamaka Onuoha, you can do that via the following

Uzoamaka Onuoha net worth

Uzoamaka Onuoha net worth has not yet been estimated.

Uzoamaka Onuoha movies

If I am president (2018)

Ordinary fellows (2019)

Omugwo (2020)

Stories by Her (2021)

Visa on Arrival (2021)

Blood sisters

King of boys


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Read my Blossom Chukwujekwu biography and net worth

Where is Uzoamaka Onuoha from?

Uzoamaka Onuoha hails from Imo state


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