Sunday Omobolanle net worth, biography, career, age, wife, education and more

Sunday Omobolanle net worth, biography, career, age, wife, education and more

Read all about Sunday Omobolanle net worth and biography.

Sunday Omobolanle is a Nigerian actor, comedian and media personality. He has featured in many popular movies over the years, and is well recognized as one of the greatest comic actors in Nigeria.

Born in Oyo state Sunday Omobolanle’s career has spanned over 40 years and he has featured in numerous movies over the years.

He was awarded with the national honor MON in recognition of his work over the years by former Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo.

If you want to read all about Sunday Omobolanle biography, Sunday Omobolanle net worth, Sunday Omobolanle career, Sunday Omobolanle age, Sunday Omobolanle wife, Sunday Omobolanle education, Sunday Omobolanle son and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then.

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The below is the profile of actor Sunday Omobolanle:

Sunday omobolanle biography

Name: Sunday Omobolanle

Date of birth: 10th January 1954

Age: 68 years’ old

Nationality: Nigerian

State of origin: Oyo state

Net worth: $100,000

Occupation: Actor, comedian


Sunday Omobolanle biography

Sunday Omobolanle is a Nigerian actor, comedian and media personality who was born on the 10th of January 1954 in Ilora, a town in Oyo state, south western Nigeria.

Sunday Omobolanle education

Not much is known about Sunday’s education, but he had his education in his hometown of Ibadan.

Sunday Omobolanle career

Sunday has featured in many popular movies over the years, and is well recognized as one of the greatest comic actors in Nigeria.

His nickname “Akuwe” was gotten from one of the character he played in a popular sitcom during the 80’s.

He was awarded with the national honor MON in recognition of his work over the years by former Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo.

Sunday Omobolanle wife

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Sunday has two wives and four children. One of his wives is popular actress Peju Ogunmola.

Sunday Omobolanle net worth

Sunday Omobolanle net worth has been estimated at $100,000. He makes money as an actor and is has a sponsorship deal with telecommunications network Glo.


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