BackRoad Gee biography, net worth, career, birthday, real name, height and more.

BackRoad Gee biography, net worth, career, birthday, real name, height and more.

BackRoad Gee biography and net worth.

BackRoad Gee is a UK/Congolese rapper who was born in the UK and is known for songs like part Popper, Nyege lewa and many more.

He released his 7 track EP “Mukta vs Mukta” in 2021 and has worked with artistes like stefflon don, Naira Marley, Burna boy and many more.

If you want to read all about Backroad gee biography, Backroad gee net worth, Backroad gee career, Backroad gee birthday, Backroad gee height, Backroad gee real name, Backroad gee age, Backroad gee songs and many more, then you are in the right place.

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The below is the profile of rapper Backroad Gee

BackRoad Gee profile

Backroad gee biography

Real name: N/A

Date of birth: N/A

Age: 23 years’ old

Country: UK/Congo

Nationality: British

Genre: Grime, Hip Hop

Associated acts: Stefflon Don, Burrna boy, Ms banks

Net worth: N/A


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Backroad gee biography (Early life)

Backroad gee was born in the UK and grew up with his mum although his parents are originally from Congo.

He learnt to play the drums, Keyboard and piano at a very young age, which made him develop an interest in music.

Backroad gee started writing songs at a very tender age.

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Backroad gee career

Backroad gee realeased his 7 track EP “Mukta vs Mukta” in 2021 And has collaborated with artistes like stefflon don, Naira Marley, Burna boy and many more.

Backroad gee net worth

Backroad gee net worth has not yet been estimated, although he makes money as a performing artistes and from music streaming.

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