Iamdikeh biography, net worth, career, age, education, state of origin and more

Iamdikeh biography, net worth, career, age, education, state of origin and more

Read all about iamdikeh biography and net worth.

Chukwudike Damian Akuwudike who is popularly known as iamdikeh is a Nigeria comedian and content creator. He is mostly famous on Instagram were he mostly plays a character known as “Mama Chinedu”

Iamdikeh started out as a footballer and was initially at “Help the talent academy in Lagos” before later deciding to do comedy after being encouraged by his friends.

Iamdikeh has worked with many popular figures like Nasty blaq, Don jazzy, Josh2 funny, OkikiDft, Special Nedu and many others.

If you want to read all about Iamdikeh biography, Iamdikeh net worth, Iamdikeh career, Iamdikeh age, Iamdikeh education, Iamdikeh state of origin, Iamdikeh girlfriends, Iamdikeh awards, Iamdikeh date of birth, Iamdikeh comedy and more, then you are in the right place.

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Let’s get into it then…


The below is the profile of Nigerian Instagram comedian and content creator Iamdikeh:

Read my Okikidft biography and net worth

Iamdikeh profile

Iamdikeh biography and net worth

Real name: Chukwudike Damian Akuwudike

Date of birth: 11th May

Age: N/A

State of origin: Imo state

Occupation: Comedian and content creator

Nationality: Nigerian

Associated acts: Josh2funny, Special Nedu, OkikiDft, Nasty blaq

Instagram: @iamdikeh


Iamdikeh biography (Early life)

Iamdikeh whose full name is Chukwudike Damian Akuwudike is a Nigerian comedian who was born on the 11th of May and hails from Ezinihitte Mbaise in Imo state, Nigeria.

He grew up in Lagos & initially started out wanting to be a footballer and was at the “Help the talent academy in Lagos”.

Iamdikeh education

Iamdikeh completed his primary and secondary school education and obtained his first school leaving certificate and west African senior school certificate.

He obtained his SSCE certificate from Duntro High school in 2016, he then proceeded to study cinematography at Pefti film institute Ajao, Lagos state.

Iamdikeh career

Iamdikeh started out as a footballer and was initially at “Help the talent academy in Lagos”. In 2016, he started making comedy videos for fun and his friends persuaded him to continue and take it seriously, even helping him shoot and edit his videos.

He initially started out with Papa Bayo character, he later dropped the Papa bayo character and picked up the “Mrs Dikeh” character. He later finally changed to the “Mama Chinedu” character for which he is mostly known.

Iamdikeh has worked with many popular figures like Nasty blaq, Don jazzy, Josh2 funny, OkikiDft, Special Nedu and many others.

Iamdikeh net worth

Iamdikeh net worth

Iamdikeh net worth has been estimated at $40,000. He makes money from advertisements and from partnering with brands and also for monetizing his videos on YouTube.

Iamdikeh girlfriend

Iamdikeh girlfriend is not known to the public currently. He mostly keeps his private life to himself.

Read my Josh2funny biography and net worth

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Iamdikeh real name?

Iamdikeh full name is Chukwudike Damian Akuwudike.

Where is iamdikeh from?

Iamdikeh hails from Imo state.



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